Core Values
We are a people who want to seek after God with our whole selves - knowing and loving God with our minds and our hearts. Through meditating on Scripture, prayer, worship and other disciplines, we pursue a richer experience of His presence in our lives.
God is a supernatural being who is not limited by human constraints. As He calls us to represent Him to the world, we have the privilege of seeing the power of His presence at work as we pray to see His Kingdom come and His will done on earth as in heaven. His presence produces the fruit of holiness in our lives that shows the world the beauty and the wonder of His great love for us.
We are a community who want to live out the truth that we are deeply and sincerely loved by God. By the work of Jesus on the cross we have been given the invitation to be adopted into God’s family. Instead of being driven by the shame, fear, doubt and pride of a heart that feels orphaned, we are being moved by the experience of being loved, the joy of God’s presence, and the peace of being small in the arms of a really big and good Dad.
We also understand that we have been shaped by God for his glory. We seek to develop people in their unique destiny to impact the world with the story of redemption that God is writing.
We are a people who want to cultivate a sense of healthy family. Jesus indicated that a true sign that we follow him is that we love others. Learning how to appreciate and celebrate each other, support and strengthen each other is therefore very important.
We want to be a community of people known for its love and this requires honesty, trustworthiness, humility, acknowledgement of brokenness, the ability to forgive, a willingness to serve others, a deliberate and intentional commitment of time and energy and unity of heart and purpose. In family people are nurtured, fed, guided, delighted in, matured and equipped for new adventures.
We are a community who are not content to keep what we have received from God to ourselves. We recognise that Jesus intended for every one of His followers to go share the good news of His love with all who would listen. This means making and taking opportunities to present the message of Christ, share the love of the Father and demonstrate the power of the Spirit.
We want to create movement as people come to faith in Jesus, encounter God’s love and healing, discover their identity and destiny in God and then reach out to others. Creating spaces for people to hear, respond, heal, grow and go will sustain movement throughout this town, region and beyond. Every believer is called to this. We seek to make it happen.