
We value the youth of our church and the youth of this town.  Adolescence is a crucial time of life as so many critical decisions are made in this time.  The pressures of media and peers are huge.  We believe that youth need to feel loved and supported through this time and need to know the destiny that God has for them.  He has a plan and purpose for every young person and it is for abundant life. 


Fridays 4:00 - 5:45pm (Last Friday of the month) | Year 6 +

We are committed to seeing young people grow in their walk with God and overcome adversity to make a difference in our community.

At youth we play games, listen to music, watch video clips, learn about the bible and how it can affect our lives. hot chips for supper.

Fill in this permission note for your youth to attend Inflame.


Sundays during the message | Years 6 +

We believe God wants this generation to experience his uncontainable love and show it to the world around us.

Each Sunday the youth have their own time together during our church service.

Our youth programs run throughout the school term.